my eyes are open and the city lies in flames

Finding a new apartment has become quite the adventure. Just like my women, I have become more picky than ever before. I’m not sure what comparison you can make, but efficiency is greatly outweighing anything else that goes into my next home. The place I live in right now is tiny, so the time is approaching to get myself out of that situation. Living alone is where I want to stay. Now it’s a battle of nice, cute neighborhoods against nice, cute apartments in those oddly sterile developments. At this point, sterile is winning. It’s time for me to find a home that is great on the inside. I’m not against getting out of the house and going for a drive to find those great places outside of my walls.

I’m taking a little break from work right now. I’m pounding my head over office server issues and a busted printer. These are the not so glamourous sides of radio. If it sounds like I’m complaining, I’m not. I enjoy this type of work, no matter how grueling or mind numbing it can get. I’ve done my fair share of on air type stuff back in my KRUI days. I consider this a natural progression of my talents. I’m not saying I want to be just like the guy, but Art Bell started out doing the same stuff that I am. He became the number one, late night talk show host in the nation for a hand full of years until retiring in his prime. I can only wish to be so lucky, but in the meantime, I’m having fun getting paid for what I do.

Getting excited for the trip coming up with Muffin. And yes, just me and Muffin. Still, a good time.
