clipside of the pinkeye fountain

For the past two lunches and single dinner, I have had chicken tacos furnished by the station. Oh so yummy and they fit so nicely in my tummy. Fundraising week rages on. I’ve done better about the cookies though. There’s so much sugar, it’s so easy to get a rush. Along with that is the come down. Why do I know that? Let’s call it first hand knowledge. And they just brought two pans full of enchiladas through the door. None of this recent mexican food can compare with the likes of my mom or grandmother when it comes to this particular type of food, but it’s pretty flippin’ tasty. I’m going running in the morning, I’m going running in the morning, I’m going running in the morning…

My apologies to those of you who are trying to understand where you are at this point. No, this is not an April Fool’s Day joke. Welcome to my new home. Hopefully the redirect wasn’t too painful. I won’t get into specifics on the reasons why or anything because you probably don’t care that much to know. If you truly want to know, ask me.

As some things stay the same, I have to say that The Mars Volta have put out a fantastic album. I miss At the Drive-In, too, but this along with Sparta makes me quite happy.
