My photo of Kirk McLean now being used on Wikipedia

While being held up on the couch yesterday afternoon with some sinuses getting the best of me, I got a quick message on Flickr requesting my permission to use one of my photos on Wikipedia. When I discovered that it was for Vancouver Canucks legend Kirk McLean, I was glad to fire back a quick response and say hell yeah!

The shot itself came from what has become an annual tradition for Rebecca and I, the Vancouver Sun Raise-a-Reader day.

Here’s the original shot of McLean as Rebecca is handing him her copy of that day’s Vancouver Sun to autograph, adding to our collection of papers from previous years.

Kirk McLean on Raise A Reader Day 2009

This is actually the second photo I’ve been asked my permission to use on Wikipedia. While it’s not being used as the primary photo for the entry, this photo is also being used on the entry for the current mayor of Surrey, B.C., Diane Watts.

Moving into the DSLR world

In light of my recent birthday, I got an upgrade on my camera as a slight early gift. I’ve had my eye on the Nikon D90[wiki] for a matter of months now, but the push of going into the DSLR side of photography is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. As I said to Rebecca the other day, I’m back in the remedial class in terms of what I know, what I think I know, and what I don’t know. The last statement is vast, but I’m already in good company.

(The wise) John Biehler told me that once I got the model of camera that I wanted, there would be a lot of opportunity to meet plenty of other like minded folks who were eager to share their knowledge and insight on gear, techniques, and everything else you get yourself into when you make this kind of upgrade.

So just a matter of days after my purchase (of which Rebecca was in near constant contact with John via SMS), we had a birthday gathering at our place last Friday night, inviting John, Peter[flickr], and their collection of lenses and flashes for me to try out and get a feel for.

Still being a newbie, I’ll post a few of my favorite shots from the night with no edits or crops. Going through my own sense of discovery with this amazing apparatus and what it can possibly do. Click any thumbnail to see the full image.

Really liking the camera so far. I’m not sure how long it will take for me to get into purchasing extra lenses for it, but these trials have me gunning for a 50mm f1.4 lens, which many of the shots above are with. My only other goal with lenses would be to shoot some more concerts with. It’ll also be great for many photos that I’m sure you’ll be seeing on, starting with a recent post where I shot George Stroumboulopoulos chatting with Rebecca.

Rebecca interviews George Stroumboulopoulos

Just for kicks, this was my favorite shot I took from that interview.

Working from a true remote location

Hello from gorgeous, sunny, humid, and beautiful Punta Cana.

Punta Cana: July 2009

The opportunity came up to come down here for the day job and do some preparation for an upcoming, potential broadcast related matter. It’s a short jaunt, but the hard work is over for the most part. Rebecca made the trip with me, so we have about a day and a half to enjoy the Dominican Republic a little bit, starting with a small photowalk we did this morning.

Early morning beach stroll

Early morning beach stroll

Sunrise in Punta Cana

Early morning beach stroll

Punta Cana: July 2009

Early morning beach stroll

It’ll be tough to leave this place, but we want to come back at some point. A few days can’t do this place justice, so it’s safe to say that we’re not sleeping a lot so we can enjoy as much time here as we can. The beaches are gorgeous, the water is warm, and I basically collapsed and feel asleep in a chair while listening to the waves come in. That’s the way everyday should be after a morning of being on the clock.

Fire Sky Over Vancouver

Sunset on Jupiter

While hanging out at WorkSpace for this year’s Blogathon, the sunset outside looked like this as it set. There was an amazing storm to the north and east, so it really made the orange burn through the horizon. Just amazing.

Going for a boat ride with Wantsa

Last week, I had the extreme pleasure of being invited on a boat cruise for the launch of a new start-up in Vancouver, Wantsa.

I have yet to actually use their service, but all that I have heard so far seems to be very interesting and promising as to what Wantsa is looking to accomplish.

The Wantsa Engine is an application found within social networks that lets you and your friends exchange recommendations on trusted businesses, services and organizations. In return, you enjoy exclusive discounts and incentives from a valuable network of recommended companies. Even better, every time you engage with a business or organization, we’ll make a donation to the cause of your choice. []

What I think is the most important element to their overall mission is the goal of giving back to the world as much as they are looking to be successful. By using their engine, you get what you want while giving back to charities that you would like to support.

This event was quite the gathering of people in the new media community of Vancouver, and the event was an amazing success. While the food and drink was abundant, so was the opportunity to hear all about Wantsa from the entire crew that was spread around the boat.

This also means that it was a great opportunity to shoot some photos while out at sea.

Wantsa Boat Cruise & Launch Party

Wantsa Boat Cruise & Launch Party

Wantsa Boat Cruise & Launch Party

Wantsa Boat Cruise & Launch Party

Wantsa Boat Cruise & Launch Party

Wantsa Boat Cruise & Launch Party

Wantsa Boat Cruise & Launch Party

Wantsa Boat Cruise & Launch Party

Many thanks to the Wantsa crew for a smashing event and the best of luck with their endeavor. And of course, you can see all the photos from this event on Flickr.

Hitting the San Francisco ground

The original plan for today was to take part in the WordCampSF Developer Day down at the Automattic offices, but after a late night at the party and Dale having his return flight home later in the day, we thought it would be a shame to not get out to experience the city some more. Neither Dale or I have been to San Francisco, so it was a easy decision to make, even though I’m sure there was some really great things talked about at today’s developer sessions.

Needless to say, I took my camera along and gathered about 50 shots during our journey. We spent most of that time on foot, and when they say that this city is a tad on the hilly side, we experienced it wholeheartedly.

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Wandering around San Francisco

Tomorrow afternoon we leave this city, and it’s been a really great experience to visit and see as much as we have. San Francisco is an amazing place that could really grow on me if given the chance. I can’t say that I’m a fan of the way the temperature fluctuates almost minute to minute, but no place is perfect (especially if you visit Vancouver for a week during the nearly month long streak of rainy days).

If you would like to see more photos from today, view them here.

Signs of spring

When making the post previous to this one, I forgot about the group of photos that I shot early last week as well. This was a photowalk during a very amazing, early spring day here in Vancouver.

Spring Time in Stanley Park

Spring Time in Barclay Square

Spring Time in Stanley Park

Spring Time in Barclay Square

Spring Time in Barclay Square

Spring Time in Barclay Square

Spring Time in Barclay Square

See all the photos from this set on Flickr.

More adventures of a wannabe photographer on Granville Street

I went for a photowalk with John Biehler after catching the Canucks game with him last week. He always has a variety of fun gear that he’s trying out and experimenting with, so I tagged along to push my knowledge of my Canon S5 IS[wiki] a little bit further.

Night photography is always tricky for a camera like this due to having to hold very still in the low light (which is often the case for many photographers), so I constantly found myself leaning up against light posts or taking about five or six shots while hoping something reasonable came out. Since I can’t swap the lens on this, I’m stuck with trying out different settings and the exposures it gives me.

Granville Street Photowalk

Granville Street Photowalk

Granville Street Photowalk

Granville Street Photowalk

You can see all of the photos here.