Death Cab For Podsafe Music

Rebecca made a post today about a topic that we’ve discussed between the two of us, but I wasn’t going to make much noise about it, the main reason being that I had a hard time wrapping my head around the point I wanted to make. I’m still not sure if I’m making one, but the comment I was leaving on her blog post was getting too long. I figured that I might as well just make my own post about it.

Let’s have Rebecca bring you up to date with the issue at hand.

Death Cab (For Cutie) was played on DSC w/Adam Curry and since then everyone’s thinkin ‘OOH WOW actual music on a podcast that i recognize!’ to that john and i roll our eyes – there’s a LOT of great artists out there (some well known, some not-so-much) that are available, podsafe, and i’m glad that my husband’s got the keen ear to pick them out and share them with the rest of us.

from what i understand, as long as you have permission (or they’re listed as ‘podsafe’) – you can play the artist on your podcast ie. John’s played Matthew Good with permission. also, other well-known bands (in certain circles) have released tracks that are podsafe, ie. Less Than Jake‘s – Look What Happened (along with other Epitaph artists). so those are all available for your podcasting pleasure – you just have to know where to look. []

Back when I was first starting out and the whole podcasting buzz was most among media and computer, freaks and geeks, I played Death Cab For Cutie[wiki] numerous times. Of course, that was prior to going completely podsafe with the music that I play. I got emails from people saying that they had always heard of them but never listened to them until they caught them on my podcast. I know for a fact that I turned some people on to Death Cab back then, and the cuts that I was playing was all pre-“Transatlanticism”.

Additionally, there are so many people freaking out because Death Cab is this major label artist posting their stuff on the Podsafe Music Network. The reality is, they have only been apart of Atlantic Records for the release of “Plans”. Prior to that, they were on Barsuk Records[wiki], a nice indie label out of Seattle, W.A. They cranked out five records with them since 1998. Atlantic Records obviously wants in on The O.C.[wiki] hype and signed them up since major labels are trying to do everything they can to make a buck these days. Continue reading “Death Cab For Podsafe Music”

Three Hour Couric Farewell

TodBits had it right in episode not too long ago. What is the fascination with Katie Couric[wiki]? And I ask, why was there a three hour long goodbye to her on The Today Show yesterday morning? I get that she spent fifteen years on the NBC show, but she wasn’t saving the world by any means.

She’s always seemed kind of stiff. There would be these moments of playful, witty banter on the show at times, only to have Couric kind of ruin the moment by other saying something completely not funny or have that look on her face of disbelief over the fact that she’s surrounded by people not worthy of her presence. The flow would seem to stop with her. Either it was intentional or through missed execution.

People were there yesterday to sing all of her favorite songs, there was a champagne toast, and plenty of sucking up. The event in Rockefeller Center just seemed a little strange, perhaps a bit forced as well. It’s not very often that you see one major network go so far to say farewell to a long time staple to their programming only to have them move on to a competing network. You would expect this kind of send off if she was retiring, not moving on to the CBS Evening News.

Shaking Up The Airwaves

I’ve been having fun learning more and more about the radio market in Vancouver. Today has to be no exception with MOJO Sports Radio being chopped off from the Corus block. Apparently the station has been having troubles in the ratings for some time, and the news of its departure can’t be all that surprising.

MOJO, one of Corus Radio Vancouver’s four local stations, will become AM730 and offer continuous traffic and weather reports during the morning and afternoon rush hours as well as re-broadcast “time-shift” several talk shows from CKNW, its sister station.

MOJO had about half the market share of its all-sports competitor, TEAM 1040, with a 0.9-per-cent share of the total radio audience compared to 1040’s 1.4 per cent, according to Bureau of Broadcast Measurement Canada’s 2006 statistics. [the province]

This continues a steady decline of performance for Corus Radio Vancouver, the largest blow being the loss of broadcasting rights to Vancouver Canucks games to cross town rivals, Team 1040. This also comes after the “major restructuring” at CKNW in April that saw twelve staff members, of various departments and tenures, being removed from the company. With the fourteen let go from MOJO today, there’s a lot going on within the Corus group of stations.

Does Vancouver need a radio station that is heavy on the traffic report side? I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t listened to enough of the market to give a solid answer, but there seems to be an abundance of traffic reports on the dial now to get that information in a fairly timely manner. It’s almost as if they are shoving AM730 into the closet with the hopes that it makes enough money to validate its existance and float along with the rest of the group.

Give Indonesia A Break

The tsunami, bird flu, earthquake, volcano, mudslide, and another earthquake. Those are just a few of the headlines that have come out of Indonesia over the past year or two. Isn’t it amazing that a country can experience so much turmoil and yet the rest of the world casually goes about its business without too much concern? There are some relief efforts on the way, but the people there are living on the edge. [google news: indonesia disasters]

This isn’t war or politically related strife. It’s mother earth unleashing its fury upon the people who live there. It’s astounding, and the human will to push on is amazing. People regroup, recover, and move on. It’s not easy, but I have nothing but respect for the people living there.

Could you imagine this happening elsewhere in the world? Is anyone leading massive, fund raising efforts to help Indonesia rebuild? Is anyone writing horrible country songs or over hyped pop songs about it?

There’s Not A Lot Going On In The U.S.

Rebecca just called me on her lunch break to tell me that her mom told her that makers of Corner Gas are trying to pitch the show to U.S. television networks. That’s right, America. Corner Gas might be coming to a network near you.

That said, can a show set in a Canadian province of which many Americans aren’t even aware translate into ratings success in the U.S.?

Hasson thinks so. Most of the humour on the show is familiar to North Americans in general, he said.

“Corner Gas is small-town-centric,” said Hasson. “There’s absolutely no difference between Dog River, Saskatchewan, and any little town outside Des Moines, Iowa.”  []

I have always found the show fascinating because I could relate the happenings in Dog River to my home town back in Iowa. Apparently I wasn’t that far off, but the central part of the state always seemed to have a lot less going on than the eastern.

The appeal of the show is already stretching beyond Canada.  The Daily Breakfast featured the program on a recent episode.  Apparently Canadian fans of Father Roderick sent him some DVD’s.  He’s liking it already.

Ringtones and Wallpapers

I’m trying something a little new and branching out with my creative endeavors. I’ve added a new section to my site called “Downloads“. This is where I will be posting various things for anyone to use for whatever purpose it is.

Essentially, I am doing my best to share the ringtones that I have been creating lately. Additionally, I’ve been playing around with some of my amateur photography skills to create wallpapers for computer desktops. I’m still learning, but since I have found some satisfaction in my own personal use, I thought that I should share.

I would love to get feedback from people as I expand the library. I’ll do my best to make a post here when I do update any of the collections.

28 Days Slater

28 Days SlaterHilarious! I watched so much Saved By The Bell[wiki] in my lifetime, including some of The College Years[wiki] and The New Class[wiki]. Can’t forget those middle school years with Ms. Bliss either.

28 Days Slater[teamtigerawesome] is freaking funny, I kid you not. They are up to episode three, and I hope they keep going all the way to twenty-eight. Even more creepy is that Rebecca just turned the TV on and Saved By The Bell is on right now. Too weird…

Vancouver Apple Store Rumor

A friend of ours just purchased a MacBook Pro from a retailer here in Vancouver, and during one of his visits, an employee told him that Apple wants to open a store in the downtown area.  The rumor, as it was conveyed to me, was that this Apple Store would probably open some time next year.

In true Apple fashion, they are reportedly searching for a location that is big and really visible.  Anyone in Vancouver can tell you that real estate is tight in the downtown area, not to mention expensive, but a very likely location would be Robson Street[wiki].  That’s not to say that it could be located anywhere.  It does seem that stores kind of come and go up and down Robson, so it would be a matter of timing for a location that is suitable to Apple’s taste.

Of course, this is just a friend relaying something that he heard to me, so who knows what the legitimacy of the rumor is.  The other thing to consider is that it took Tiffany & Co.[wiki] a number of years until they found the perfect location to open a store in Vancouver.

RadioZoom Episode #93

Episode #93 is ready for your listening needs.

In this totally unprepared episode, I let you in on the fact that I’ve been going through some “podcasting block”. It might be the summer time creeping in and not wanting to do anything, but I’m back with another edition this week. I also take a look at all of the various running events going on in and around Vancouver, clarify my throughts on a blog post I made about podcasting this week, and finally get to some listener email.


I’m liking the Nike+iPod concept, even though there might be a better name for it, a lot. The more I hear about it, the more I find myself thinking how cool it would be to own such a device. Sure, it’s uber geeky overkill, but that makes me want it even more.

With a sensor in your shoe and a receiver on your iPod nano, your run takes on a whole new dimension. See the minutes tick by. Watch the miles unfold. Hear real-time feedback. All to your favorite music — including the one song that always gets you through the home stretch. []

The patent[hrmpf] for the product is pretty interesting. Essentially, the little thing you clip on your shoe not only updates information about how far or fast you are running, but your nano will play songs that match tempo to your running pace. I like this concept as sometimes when I’m heading into a burst of speed, something a little more kick ass is nice to have pumping through your ears, even when Bjork mysteriously pops up on the playlist you made for when you go running.

I do love my mini, and it does brilliantly when I go running around Vancouver. However, this would make me think about getting a nano, easy to scratch screen or not.