Three Hour Couric Farewell

TodBits had it right in episode not too long ago. What is the fascination with Katie Couric[wiki]? And I ask, why was there a three hour long goodbye to her on The Today Show yesterday morning? I get that she spent fifteen years on the NBC show, but she wasn’t saving the world by any means.

She’s always seemed kind of stiff. There would be these moments of playful, witty banter on the show at times, only to have Couric kind of ruin the moment by other saying something completely not funny or have that look on her face of disbelief over the fact that she’s surrounded by people not worthy of her presence. The flow would seem to stop with her. Either it was intentional or through missed execution.

People were there yesterday to sing all of her favorite songs, there was a champagne toast, and plenty of sucking up. The event in Rockefeller Center just seemed a little strange, perhaps a bit forced as well. It’s not very often that you see one major network go so far to say farewell to a long time staple to their programming only to have them move on to a competing network. You would expect this kind of send off if she was retiring, not moving on to the CBS Evening News.
