Give Indonesia A Break

The tsunami, bird flu, earthquake, volcano, mudslide, and another earthquake. Those are just a few of the headlines that have come out of Indonesia over the past year or two. Isn’t it amazing that a country can experience so much turmoil and yet the rest of the world casually goes about its business without too much concern? There are some relief efforts on the way, but the people there are living on the edge. [google news: indonesia disasters]

This isn’t war or politically related strife. It’s mother earth unleashing its fury upon the people who live there. It’s astounding, and the human will to push on is amazing. People regroup, recover, and move on. It’s not easy, but I have nothing but respect for the people living there.

Could you imagine this happening elsewhere in the world? Is anyone leading massive, fund raising efforts to help Indonesia rebuild? Is anyone writing horrible country songs or over hyped pop songs about it?
