2010 Riot

I caught wind of this from Daily Vancouver’s 2010 Coverage[post]. Is it evidence of people still having a grudge about the 2010 Winter Olympics coming to town? It’s not exactly clear, but you can find “2010 Riot” scribbled in various places around Vancouver. I snapped this picture at the Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal[britishcolumbia.com].

Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal - 2010 Riot

A search[google] comes up with little in terms of any clues, and here’s another photo example.  It’s got me curious.

Ethan Hunt: Superman

We used our free passes that we scored from the V For Vendetta debacle to go check out Mission: Impossible III[imdb] a few weeks ago. And yes, I know that I’ve been really bad about posting about things that seem to have happened ages ago, but at least we’re getting caught up, are we not? And actually, I think we saw this before Da Vinci Code[imdb], but oh well.

I’m not sure if it’s just something I’m noticing more and more, but I have never had the feeling that I was watching a big, Hollywood, blockbuster, big budget, star studded, major motion picture movie as I did with this flick. I won’t say that it was a complete waste of time, but that really sums up the majority of the experience. On the other hand, this is a movie with a storyline involving super-secret spy agents, so it’s to be expected.

That being said, this was a really great, free movie. Being the red blooded male that I am, I do enjoy a good action flick from time to time. More so, I like Phillip Seymour Hoffman[imdb] the more and more I see him. He’s got the ticket to ride ever since he got that oscar, but I have yet to be let down by him. I liked him being the bad guy a lot. Movies like this are better seen on the big screen with kick ass sound, but we probably wouldn’t have seen it in the theatre if it wasn’t for the passes.

Even with all the bad press, and good press for that matter, Tom Cruise[imdb] is getting lately, I thought it was a pretty solid role that he played. These days, it seems that anytime Hollywood wants to put out a nice action flick of blockbuster proportions, Ving Rhames[imdb] makes the cast.

Adventures On the Sunshine Coast

Venturing through the woods on the Sunshine CoastAs you might have heard on the podcast, we took a day trip to the Sunshine Coast[wiki] over the weekend. This was my first time making the trek, but Rebecca is a seasoned pro. And anytime you have to take a ferry to get somewhere, I’m pretty excited, fear of sinking or not. Is that because in Iowa we don’t have ferries? Yeah, you’re probably right, but we do have some nice boats you can ride on down the Mississippi while you gamble.

Our time up the coast was a super awesome good time. Rebecca spent a lot of time in this area while growing up and speaks about it highly. This was my chance to check it all out, and I have to say that I can see why. It was very apparent, as with nearly all of the lower mainland, that the area is developing a lot. Ocean front homes are the thing to have, and people are building them where they can, as big as they can.

Horseshoe Bay ferry terminalI heard someone say that living in B.C., it’s hard to not become a lover of the outdoors. I can say that is oh so true. I had fun playing soccer and what not while we were there, but I wanted to keep exploring the woods and just see what was out there. There were some trails that we went around, but with my hiking shoes on, I could have stayed out there for hours.

I uploaded a series of pictures from the day to my Flickr account. Check out some of the shots from Horseshoe Bay[flickr] and the Sunshine Coast[flickr] if you’d like. I have a feeling we’ll be back there again in the future.

The (International) Noise Conspiracy at The Plaza Club

The (International) Noise Conspiracy - Vancouver, BC - May 20, 2006This is a completely late posting, but we checked out The (International) Noise Conspiracy[wiki] at the Plaza Club when they swung through Vancouver on May 20th. Rebecca was faster to the draw on her post about it, but let me elaborate.

If you have never seen them before, they put on an incredible show. And if you are some one who has had that opportunity, then you know how awesome they perform. For myself, this was the second time that I got to check them out. The last show was in Brooklyn, NY, and I got a drumstick in the face at the end of the encore. I left this show with better luck.

The Fever opened up the show with a very solid performance. Coming all the way from New York, the four piece band boasted a setup that is not of your normal rock and roll band make up, but is becoming less unusual. Singer, guitarist, drummer, and keyboards. When their set started, I thought the lead singer was standing on top of a box while singing into the mic on top of its stand. Getting closer, it became clear that he was freakishly tall and kept the mic low. It was a neat effect for his sometimes, Tom Waits-esque voice. Continue reading “The (International) Noise Conspiracy at The Plaza Club”

It Might Be All Too True

The Onion posted a sports article recently that might actually be closer to the truth rather than the statirical humor we’ve all grown to love and enjoy. The headline reads, “Royals Hire Tom Emanski To Teach Them Fundamentals Of Baseball“.  Now we all know that The Onion runs news that is fake, but this one might just be pretty spot on.

I realize that being a Cubs fan, I don’t have a lot of room to talk right now.  However, the Royals haven’t had the best record for the last few seasons.  KC fans are some of the best fans out there, and I have family in the metro area that are a true example of this.  But if anyone sees my grandma, I never wrote this and I don’t know you.

RadioZoom Episode #94

Episode #94 of the podcasting is up and ready for download.

A packed epsiode that started on the Queen of Coquitlam ferry as we made our way back to Vancouver from the Sunshine Coast. I did some brief soundseeing on the ferry as we came into Horseshoe Bay on that Saturday, but Rebecca and I didn’t finish this episode until Tuesday where we recap the running events we participated in over the weekend. We finish with some Hockey Talk about the Stanley Cup and Memorial Cup. [radiozoom]

How To Pirate a Vinyl Record

The Reverend sent me this link yesterday about how one goes about pirating a vinyl record. The whole process takes some skill to set up and materials that can probably found at your local mega-hardware center. And naturally it’s not a perfect replica that you are left with when the process is said and done, but I think this goes to show that you can pirate nearly anything if you really wanted to.

I’m not too sure that you’d want to do this to just any record though. Dumping a bunch of silcone that you didn’t mix properly might spell the end to your original, not re-released, Frank Zappa[wiki] albums.

The First Fan Into the Hockey Hall of Fame

I know that I am far from being qualified for this, but the contest is on for the first fan honored in the Hockey Hall of Fame. This is the first time that the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto has ever put a fan into the ranks of hockey legends, but it seems that this could be a one time thing depending on the outcome of this inaugural contest.

Check out part of the description for Brigette Mcilmoyle, a Canucks fan who has made the list of finalists.

I paid the ultimate tribute to all our Canadian hockey teams with my hockey themed wedding, complete with the wedding party each in a Canadian team jersey (including the bride) and a pastor in a ref’s jersey. An exact replica of the Cup as our cake headlined the decorations, and I walked down the isle to [the theme from Saturday night’s national hockey telecast] (to name a few of the highlights). Make no mistake, I was more excited about the theme than my husband. Girls CAN be even bigger hockey fans than boys! [tsn.ca]

I totally voted for her, but at 8% of the vote, as of today, her chances look slim.

Death Cab For Podsafe Music

Rebecca made a post today about a topic that we’ve discussed between the two of us, but I wasn’t going to make much noise about it, the main reason being that I had a hard time wrapping my head around the point I wanted to make. I’m still not sure if I’m making one, but the comment I was leaving on her blog post was getting too long. I figured that I might as well just make my own post about it.

Let’s have Rebecca bring you up to date with the issue at hand.

Death Cab (For Cutie) was played on DSC w/Adam Curry and since then everyone’s thinkin ‘OOH WOW actual music on a podcast that i recognize!’ to that john and i roll our eyes – there’s a LOT of great artists out there (some well known, some not-so-much) that are available, podsafe, and i’m glad that my husband’s got the keen ear to pick them out and share them with the rest of us.

from what i understand, as long as you have permission (or they’re listed as ‘podsafe’) – you can play the artist on your podcast ie. John’s played Matthew Good with permission. also, other well-known bands (in certain circles) have released tracks that are podsafe, ie. Less Than Jake‘s – Look What Happened (along with other Epitaph artists). so those are all available for your podcasting pleasure – you just have to know where to look. [miss604.com]

Back when I was first starting out and the whole podcasting buzz was most among media and computer, freaks and geeks, I played Death Cab For Cutie[wiki] numerous times. Of course, that was prior to going completely podsafe with the music that I play. I got emails from people saying that they had always heard of them but never listened to them until they caught them on my podcast. I know for a fact that I turned some people on to Death Cab back then, and the cuts that I was playing was all pre-“Transatlanticism”.

Additionally, there are so many people freaking out because Death Cab is this major label artist posting their stuff on the Podsafe Music Network. The reality is, they have only been apart of Atlantic Records for the release of “Plans”. Prior to that, they were on Barsuk Records[wiki], a nice indie label out of Seattle, W.A. They cranked out five records with them since 1998. Atlantic Records obviously wants in on The O.C.[wiki] hype and signed them up since major labels are trying to do everything they can to make a buck these days. Continue reading “Death Cab For Podsafe Music”

Three Hour Couric Farewell

TodBits had it right in episode not too long ago. What is the fascination with Katie Couric[wiki]? And I ask, why was there a three hour long goodbye to her on The Today Show yesterday morning? I get that she spent fifteen years on the NBC show, but she wasn’t saving the world by any means.

She’s always seemed kind of stiff. There would be these moments of playful, witty banter on the show at times, only to have Couric kind of ruin the moment by other saying something completely not funny or have that look on her face of disbelief over the fact that she’s surrounded by people not worthy of her presence. The flow would seem to stop with her. Either it was intentional or through missed execution.

People were there yesterday to sing all of her favorite songs, there was a champagne toast, and plenty of sucking up. The event in Rockefeller Center just seemed a little strange, perhaps a bit forced as well. It’s not very often that you see one major network go so far to say farewell to a long time staple to their programming only to have them move on to a competing network. You would expect this kind of send off if she was retiring, not moving on to the CBS Evening News.