from here they can’t see me stare

When I wake up in the morning, I like to have my alarm set to the radio alarm. It’s a helpful way of waking up. Being blasted by classical music in the morning tells me instantly that the FM is working. I used to do this with KRUI, but the signal was never a sure thing. Of course, that’s the difference between 100 watts and 25,000. I have always been one to appreciate music in many, many forms, aside from country and rap(not hip-hop, mind you; that’s a very distinct, happy category in my world). These days, classical is really starting to get on my nerves. The conditioning of being rudely awakened by my alarm clock in the morning with such sounds have left me quite jaded.

Although my I might be caffeine free, sugar is still apart of daily life. If I don’t get my lemonade, trail mix, or something sweet in the afternoon, I feel the urge of a nice siesta coming on around two. I keep saying that we need to put in a requisition for a cot in the engineering room. Nap time would be outstanding.
