Blog: Pacific Metropolis

Pacific Metropolis I’ve recently discovered Pacific Metropolis, and while it might old news to some, this site has quickly become a daily favorite of mine. I can’t recall how I stumbled upon it, but the RSS feed has clued me into numerous construction projects going on in the city. Trust me, there are a few of them. Every time I walk by one, I’m always curious as to the background of what’s going on.

I’m particularly interested in the Southeast False Creek development that they have regular reports on. This will be the Olympic Village for the 2010 winter games, but I’m more concerned about what will result from the overhauling of that area. The post about the preliminary design plans and the zoning for areas outside of the village speak well on this.

There isn’t much listed on their about page, but the header reads, “Tracking the Development of Vancouver’s Urban Environment”. That’s pretty spot on. It might not have all the information in the world, but I do appreciate what I’ve seen over the past month. If you wonder about all the cranes and scaffolding around Vancouver, then you might check the site out once and a while.
