guess you could say i gave you my edge

Rebecca has gotten me into reality TV more than I think I want to admit. There is something to be said about the types of such things that are out there and just what kinds it is that I can stomach. Holmes on Homes is completely one of these things, but it’s better than a lot of the other junk that’s out there. Sure, Ty Pennington is good at bring the comfort of Sears to those who need it most, but Mike Holmes is all that plus Bob Vila. Let’s not forget to mention that he can probably bench press both of those guys at the same time. The guy is simply huge.

The list doesn’t end there though. Yes, I watched the finale of The Apprentice last night. It was entertaining. Some really good television on top of the winner being not such a nice guy as once might originally thought. Donald Trump has done wonders for himself and his empire with that show alone. And yes, I watched nearly the entire, fifth season of America’s Next Top Model. Granted that it has the flavor of the most horrible reality TV show that has existed and started this whole craze, but at least these people are competing for something that is more than just money and fifteen minutes of fame. So in essence, it’s like Survivor and Real World mushed together with model caliber girls. Notice I didn’t say “pretty girls” because it doesn’t seem that you have to be “pretty” to be a model anymore. You don’t have to be skeleton skinny either.

It’s all in how you are entertained. If you enjoy watching something, I have to say that it’s pretty Ok to enjoy whatever you want to enjoy. Hell, I still like to watch Queer Eye for the Straight Guy whenever I can. Not having a DVR that can record it for me kinda hampers that. At least I’m not so into it that I’m like my brother who scored $50 for picking the winner on Survivor. I can’t say that I like a show that much.
