this life’s too good to last

Some nights ago, we watched Hotel Rwanda on TV. I find it sad that it took a movie to help me understand more about what actually happened there when it did even though I can completely recall the whole event taking place in the 90’s. And sure, you might know about it and say to yourself that it was indeed awful. Maybe shake your head recalling it. “Boy, that was tragic.” Don’t feel too worried though. That was the same reaction that people gave the situation when the pictures of thousands of people were lying dead in the streets due to genocide came into their homes.

I remember when I went to Dachau as a teenager. The whole experience was down right frightening. At the start of the complex, there is a sign that reads “Never Again” in a variety of different languages. It makes you wonder what that means. The people who were instrumental in stopping those atrocities turned a blind eye when the conflict in Rwanda sparked off. In fact, it’s scary to really sit down and think about the variety of incidents relating to genocide that have happened since the days of the nazis. Perhaps it’s not on the same level, but it still is happening again and again.
