i know i keep going but i can’t find the reason

Tired. Congested. Sinus pressure. Plugged up ears. Scratchy throat. Squeaky to talk. Kleenex after kleenex. Kansas was a wonderful time, but what I have been left with is less than enjoyable. Colds are annoying.

Eric was a great host and tour guide. My first time to his neck of the woods these days, and I enjoyed it as much as I could, minus the health. In all actuality, it was nice to just relax. It appears Muffin will be moving in with him in August, so I’ll have double the pleasure, double the fun to make additional visits. That might be mooching to you, but I’m some one who can cook. A meal or two has been promised, and that’s an offer to anyone that allows me to make their home mine during any of my adventures. I am already thinking of a return, but this summer is going to be pretty action packed.

Muffin has picked out the last weekend in June for the camp out, so that solidifies my trip planning for NYC. Brian has given me the green light to stay with him, so hopefully everything works out with lining up the flight. That’s a whole week in the city. I’m flipped about that. Then the Valadez family reunion in July. Bill and Erin’s wedding in August. So much going on, and I know that I need to get on top of the other stuff that I’m forgetting. I won’t even go into the list of projects at the station.

I got my new glasses and contacts in the mail today. Very swank. I’m very happy.
