i think it might be worth it now

Holy crap on a stick. Who said it could snow today? I swear, when I find the person who is responsible for this, they’re fired. Five, six, ten inches? This is totally unacceptable. At this time of year, we pride ourselves in the ability of having our days get warmer, sunnier, and pleasant. Actions of which we have witnessed today cannot stand. Some one must be held responsible. I don’t care who it was and how long they’ve been here, but they must face the results of their actions. I have had it up to here with this snow hoo-hah. You should be ashamed of yourself.

And do you ever feel like the world is out to get you? I had that happen to me tonight. It was more like a shooting gallery. As I drove home, the world seemed to jump out at me, left and right, seeing how good my reflexes were. This car would slam on its brakes. That car decided to back out of an ally. This guy decided to push his car door open all the way and get out from his spot on the side of the street. And this girl decides that when making a left turn, yes, yellow means “hurry up before you get the red light of death!” I felt like Tackleberry going through a course in Police Academy. Who is friendly, and who is foe. It was like everyone had some form of death wish. Why does snow do that to people?

My brother turned… older yesterday. A good party, but I ate too much. Good leftovers, too. I ate too much of those as well.
