substation radio tower broadcasting big band stars

If there hasn’t been a better time for the weekend to come, today is the day. It’s been quite the week. In the times of budget issues facing so many people these days, we took the first hit at the end of this week. It’s just the way life is, but the first time that I have ever seen it happen first hand. That’s just the way the world of business goes, especially in this industry. Money is tight. Corners are being exploited as much as they can be. I wish her the best and hope that it doesn’t get worse from here on out.

I guess I have some personal blame for making this week end on a strained note like it has, but for good reason. John Vanderslice was in town on Thursday night. Such a talented individual What really gets me is his love for the four track. I guess I kind of equate it to my obsession for radio, but his is much more pretty than what I do. Quite a full house, which I didn’t expect. Indie rock fans get on my nerves some times, though. I guess the more apathetic you look, the cooler you must be. And if you are lying in a corner sleeping, you are just the top dog. I tried my hand at some pics of the show and have them posted. Crowded, so I couldn’t get as close as I hoped. Late nights make for long days.

Friday found myself listening to the sounds of The French Kicks and The Walkmen. Simply put, nothing short of an amazing, good time. The place was packed. I figured that it would be busy, being the end of the week and all, but the turnout greatly overshadowed my expectations. The music did as well. Wonderful… two more bands that I need to get my hands on.

Being as social as I have been in the last few nights, I have ran into people that I haven’t seen in a long while. It seems to be a common theme, and every time it happens, it always surprises me how many people I know in this town. The constant response that people give me is about my weight. “You’re so frail!” “My god, have you lost, like, a hundred pounds?” “What happened to all the pounds?” Yes, I used to weigh 245 pounds. Yes, I have lost nearly ninety pounds over the few years. It’s amazing what giving up junk food, fast food, pizza, and being lazy can do for you. I assure you, it’s not drugs, anorexia, bulimia, or the ebola virus. However, thanks for noticing. By the way, I’m doing great.

Seriously, can some one tell me when I’m getting my iPod? “Bueller?… Bueller?… Bueller?…
