despite our best attempts, culture happens

I guess this Jay-Z, Beatles thing is all the rage right now. People are eating it up, and Paul and Ringo are making their attempt to destroy it. Personally, I think it’s a waste of time. Perhaps it’s just because I have a sweet spot in my heart for the Beatles. I wouldn’t classify myself as a die hard fan, but I do have all of their albums on my list to get. In the meantime, it’s just kind of… yuck.

KRUI has a crazy way of keeping tabs on my life. Last night found myself hanging out with Frosty back in my old stomping grounds. It’s always great to see the guy, but more so to watch him do his thing with the funk show he hosts every Friday. The guy loves to chit-chat. Suddenly, with ten seconds left in the song currently playing, he feverishly flips through his collection to find the next tune while muttering to himself and, or myself. After that, I found myself hanging out with Deidre, and ran into a guy who I trained on the production staff, Roger. He has connections with some Clear Channel folks up in Milwaukee and promised a hook up if need be. That’s cool and all, but I’m looking further east. Keeping the guy in mind in the meantime. Overall, had a good night.

Sounds like me and Muffin are heading south to meet up with our friend Eric in the first week of April. Not sure for how long as I’m waiting to hear his schedule, but it’s pretty much a done deal. And I’ll get to meet this Mary girl that I hear about for the first time as she’ll be making the trip with us. I hear good things about the town, but I have yet to be convinced. Driving through the state the few times that I have, the bar isn’t set too high. However, driving to SXSW a few years ago, Kansas ate one of the tires of the vehicle we were taking to the event. Makes me think that we need to proceed across the state line with caution.

My brother is home once again. I got a very excited phone call from my mother this morning, and she had every reason to be happy. It’s good to have him out of the way of harm. For those of you who still have or know of loved ones in the way of danger, my best wishes to you and them, where ever they might be. One way or the other, I’m with those of you who want this over sooner rather than later.

iPod Mini. Ordered and in route. Get excited!
