to be something i can’t define

“You look different than you looked all the other times before.” You have to appreciate the innocence of a child, especially my godson’s. “That’s because I have hair again.” And this is true. It’s all the talk these days. Well, somewhat. It’s another, new identity that I have assumed. After shaving my head, people who knew me for years would pass me on the street without a clue. The return of hair. My grandmother says I am handsome… again. I’m not too sure how I should feel about that comment.

Will Whitmore. If there is anything in your life that you should experience at least once before you pass on from this lifetime, it should be to see this man perform. It is not something that you can explain. You truly have to experience it for yourself. Be it with his banjo, dobro, or guitar, he just has a way of sucking you into his sound. The lyrics tell intuitive stories, and the music can make your heart feel good even when the song itself is so sad. He’s playing in town this Friday again, and I have a good feeling that I will be there to experience this one more time.

The world is full of such good people, but the task of finding them is not easy. When you are successful in finding a good soul, it’s important to not let go of him or her. Even if time and space provides a gap between a friendship, there is nothing better than getting a simple “hello, how are you?” when you least expect it. It’s been a hard ride these past few years, and I am just getting back to some of the people that I have left behind. And in the present, I am meeting incredible ones that I hope will maintain for some while. A very good person has graced my life as of late, and she is providing me with inspiration long forgotten. The plans are heading towards paper, so let’s see where I’ll be in a year and a half.
