i find it kind of funny

I picked a good day to take the day off from the station. It was just an absolutely gorgeous day today. If you know anything about the Midwest and winter time, the moment the weather pushes the forty degree mark, people trade out the parka for a next to nothing clothing if they can stand it. Today was a day like that. I took my sweet time getting out of bed, but as soon as I saw the temp outside, I was off to the races to take advantage of the day that I had left. It was great. Sweating while walking around outside is a good sign of spring to come. I’m starting to remember why I fell in love with this town in the first place.

Made a grocery run today. In the check out line, I had a couple in front of me that I only imagine to be speaking something close to Russian. When speaking English to the cash register girl, they were just polite as all could be. Once speaking to each other in their own tongue, it sounded like they were ready to throw off the gloves and beat the holy crap out each other. Behind me, a lady was yelling on her cell phone about ex-wives, ex-husbands, therapy sessions, and her laundry list of complaints about some one I’m sure I’ll never meet. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I ever help that woman!” Out of all the isles, I had to pick that one. It made me smile, and the cash register girl giggled along with me.

Mom came home safe from visiting my grandma and aunt. My plan is to make my own journey down that way in the next month or so. It would also be good to see Angie again since we haven’t had much of luck seeing each other when we are even in the same town.

More for another time… Law & Order: SVU is itching to distract me from any sense of being productive.
