we’re like crystal

When people ask me what I have been up to lately, the common response after I explain it all to them is, “So when is the vacation?” Yes, I understand that I have been working my rear off around the station and that sleep is a good thing. Trust me, I get it, especially when you start seeing things moving that are not even there. I think the term is tracers. In all of the sleep deprivation at this point, I have yet to hurt myself. That in itself completely surprises me. One week into the KRUI relocation, I had my blood spilled onto the console furniture. So I have to say, things are going well, knock on wood.

Vacation is coming. To begin with, I plan on taking a day off yet this week. Hopefully I can get something figured out then. I’ve been talking Muffin about making a trek to see Eric down in Kansas for some time. He’s got room for us to crash, and it’s not in Iowa. To me, that sounds like a pretty good deal. On top of that, I’ve been itching for a good road trip. So the planning is starting to kick in, but we’ll see how these two interesting individuals like ourselves put this thing together. Just keep your fingers crossed that Muffin doesn’t catch some horrible disease or break something else in his body. The boy just has luck on the low end. I’m looking forward to the possibility of hours on the road with a great friend, singing along to They Might Be Giants the whole way.

For those of you who are curious, the hair growing process is as thrilling as a snail race. I’m fighting to find the time to get a haircut, as well as where to get it. For a year and a half, haircuts we oh so simple. Once a week, get the clippers out and go to town. Now I’m starting to look, and more so feel, like afro-man. It’s probably only an inch and a half long, but that’s vastly different to the millimeters that it was before.

In other Muffin news, I got the email of the summer camp out the other day. I’ve got my tent, and I’ll bring the margaritas. Oh yeah…
