Rainer Maria – catastrophe

I’ve had this song popping up on my iPod a lot lately when tromping to and from work on the bus, and Rebecca has recently taken a liking to these guys, even though Rainer Maria[wiki] broke up in 2006.

There is something to be said about this being a song about heartbreak, but there is a subtle undertone of a political viewpoint, unintentional or not. I like it when artists are able to do that. It sudden becomes uber-interpretation-able.

Not bad for three kids from the Midwest. Check out the rest of their catalog if you aren’t in the know. I know Beck is.


One Reply to “Rainer Maria – catastrophe”

  1. Yeah for some reason 10 years ago when my friend James would rave about them I never checked them out. That, and I probably confused “Rainer Maria” for “Raine Maida” 😛

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