RadioZoom#127 – Amazing Hunt; Northern Voice; Vancouver Trivia; Olympics

Recorded and posted tonight.

There’s really a lot that we talked about in this episode, so much that we only threw three songs into this one. Rebecca gives a review of her Amazing Hunt experience, we cover a variety of things coming up, look ahead to NorthernVoice 2007, there’s a podcast meetup in Vancouver, and we round it out with Vancouver Trivia. There were a variety of technical issues in this as well, but I didn’t edit it out.

63:40 minutes

Vancouver Podcast Meetup: Feb. 25, 2007

As a regular listener to the Canadian Podcast Buffet, I was excited to hear that Mark Blevis was coming out to Vancouver on a business trip and wanted to conduct a meetup with fellow podcasters. This will be happening at TC Lions Pub on February 25, 2007 at 8:00 PM, in downtown Vancouver. Mark asks that you RSVP for the event at

As I mentioned in my post about NorthernVoice, that is the same day as my first year anniversary, so I doubt I will be able to make it. We’ll probably be pretty sauced by then.

Update: Change of plans. We’re in.

Banning cellphones and iPods while crossing the street

When I first heard this story about banning cellphones and iPods while crossing the street in New York, I thought that it made a little sense. It should be easy to walk and talk, and I think I hover on the intermediate level for this delicate skill. Take a stroll around downtown Vancouver and check out all the rookies tough. It’s mind boggling. Frogger anyone?

Then this happened today.

A 49-year-old Vancouver man is lucky to be alive after being struck by a bus in nearby Burnaby Monday night, while jaywalking and talking on his cellphone.

RCMP Cpl. Jane Baptista said the man was lucky to have suffered just minor injuries.

He was talking on his cellphone, and, after noticing a turning bus, decided to keep on walking, jaywalking, and putting the bus driver in an impossible situation, Baptista said.

It’s a familiar story for patrol officers, she said.

“They wear dark clothing, [they are] on their cellphones, [or have] iPods in their ears, and it’s completely dangerous for everyone involved.”

Baptista said police will be refocusing on Burnaby jaywalkers soon, and anyone caught can expect a fine. [cbc]

I know that while driving the long stretches of highway across Iowa, I can get so lost into listening to music or simply thinking that I’ll not have any recollection to the last ten miles that I just drove. When it’s two lane and the middle of the winter, you chalk it up to being in the zone, thankful that you didn’t hit any of those semis that regularly travel the same route, all of that while not talking on a cellphone. Pssh, makes these people look like amateurs.

When I’m on the phone, I can say that I take extra precautions to be aware as to what is going on around me while walking and talking. The same can be said for driving, but I go even further to avoid that situation. Does this make me better than the rest of you out there? Oh hell no. I don’t trust myself as much as I don’t trust other people out there to do what I do.

Still, I’m not for regulations being passed to prohibit me from enjoying some tunes while walking to work or something. I also cringe at the idea of runners being targeted because I have my headphones on as often as the weather permits. Just be smarter, people. Please don’t let your stupidity spoil it for the rest of us.

Locked and loaded for NorthernVoice 2007

After some careful planning and budgeting, Rebecca and I have both signed ourselves up for NorthernVoice 2007. It should be a whirlwind of a weekend since the following Sunday is our one year anniversary. If that seems to be a geeky way to spend the first part of the weekend after being married for a year, then you’re probably right, and we like it that way.

Northern Voice is a two-day, non-profit personal blogging conference that’s being held at the UBC main campus on February 23-24, 2007.

This is the 3rd annual incarnation of this event, see the 2006 and 2005 websites for previous information.

Blogging, podcasting, social media, new media, web 2.0, and so on. Yes, there will be lots of ideas about all those things being tossed around, not to mention plenty of laptops on laps action.

We had a snafu in our planning, not realizing that Friday held quite the goings-on with the whole Moose Camp deal. In our heads, we thought that was taking place in the evening on Friday, so we opted to have Rebecca take the following Monday off in anticipation of our celebratory weekend. Looks like I’ll be checking things out for that Friday on my own, but she’ll make her way down for any activities later on that night. We’ll both be sneaking around on Saturday.

Looking forward to meeting more new people in the sphere of all things new media, plus catch a few neat sessions(view the schedule). Even Dave is leading a session on podcasting, so I’ve got to go heckle him check that out.

I’ll probably check in here during the event, and the recording gear always travels with me. It’s just a matter of not getting too into soaking up information to remember to grab some audio cuts. Have to see how things go. For me this is really good timing because the wonderful (I’m throwing that in there in case anyone at CIC is watching) Canadian government recently approved my PR application. I’ll be able to work in a matter of weeks now. 🙂

Podcasting reaching its limits

When I first caught word of this post at Digital Podcast, it made me stop to think. Has podcasting reached its limit? I have to agree with Scott Bourne at Podcasting Tricks. No way, Jose.

I’ve been a proponent of the medium since I first heard of it. The potential hit me at that same moment, but I think it’s fair to say that the concept hasn’t been taken to the height of where it can deemed successful or impactual.

Then, I read this over at BoingBoing. It appears that Odeo is up for sale. Instead of just pulling the plug, they thought they would see if someone would want to buy the site. My use and knowledge of their service is limited, but it’s essentially an online podcatcher. If you don’t have an iPod or the ability to download gigs of podcasts onto your computer, you can use their service to keep track of all of your favorites and listen to them from the web, no eating up of your hard drive space required.

This makes me think a little bit more about this idea of podcasting reaching its limits. Remember the dot-com bubble[wiki] of the 90’s? I see podcasting to be a lot like that. There is the surge that is still going on, but a true grasp of the potential hasn’t been seen yet. The whole thing might have to completely tank before it gets better.

For those of us who bask in glowing warm glow of new media and Web 2.0, we get it. For some of us, this is old news. However, I always think back to my friends and family who don’t drink this stuff like water as I do. Are they listening? Are they watching? Are they downloading? How accessible is this stuff, regardless if they know what podcasting is or isn’t?

In the early 20th century, TV went through many trials before it was settled on how everything would work on the technical side. From there, the growth of broadcast signals trickled out across the world, and even the broadcast day went from a few hours to the around the clock monotony that we have today. There was no switch and suddenly we had the Honeymooners[wiki]. It took time to grow, and podcasting faces the same task.

Iraq: The Hidden Story

I don’t do this often, but the RSS feeds picked up this post today regarding a Channel 4 news introspective about the media coverage going on in Iraq. I found it rather interesting to watch, albeit nearly 50 minutes long. A lot of what it speaks about is nothing that I hadn’t already assumed, but they put it into much better words than I ever could.

If you have the time, check out Iraq: The Hidden Story. It really makes me wonder what the generations to come will say about this conflict, especially looking at the lifetime process I have given to understanding past conflicts. Even more so, there is mention of how bloggers are vital at getting information from inside the country that major news agencies have no way of gaining access to.

It’s 27, not 23

The Number 23I keep seeing these previews for Jim Carrey’s new flick, The Number 23[imdb]. I love the fact that he’s going to be in this creepy movie. A bit of a change, and I have to say that I’m curious to see it. Opening day? Probably not, but sometime thereafter.

In the preview, they keep talking about the significance of the number itself, 23. Long story short, you divide the 2 by 3 and it’s .666. Quite evil, don’t you think? Then there is all these various examples of how it’s portrayed throughout history. When you add all the digits together of 9/11/2001, you get the sum of 23. The tilt of the Earth at its axis is 23 degrees. So on and so on.

What gets me is that they say Kurt Cobain[wiki] died when he was 23. No, he died when he was 27, and Tony Pierce would beat you up for saying different. If you go to the website, it does make the case for the digits to the years of his birth (1967) and death (1994) each totaling that magical, creepy digit.

Maybe I’ve been seeing or hearing this trailer wrong, but I can’t find proof to back this up anywhere. Rebecca swears she’s seen and heard this as well. Perhaps they pulled it once they realized the error. You can’t simply say that Cobain died at the age of 23 when you meant something completely different. It’s like how the Texas Chainsaw Massacre[imdb] is “based on true events”. It kind of is, but the story actually stems from a crazy guy, Ed Glein[wiki], from Wisconsin that also fueled inspiration for Psycho[imdb] and Silence of the Lambs[imdb], just to name a few.

Still, you can’t bend the facts about Cobain’s death to help sell a movie. Maybe some one else out there can back me up or disprove this. I’ve ventured through Google and YouTube to find no trace of the trailer I’m seeing on TV. By the way, if you want more funny numbers things to check out, see this Wiki about the 27 Club.

Price of O.J. has gone up

I like my orange juice in the morning, but this is getting a little hard to swallow. Normally, the price per can is a dollar less than what we’re seeing right now. Granted that this is the big name brand stuff that you can see above, but that’s still quite a bit. At the same time, Vancouver isn’t the cheapest place to live, so I tend to wonder if this is simple price inflation because they have the excuse to do it. Maybe a little bit of both.

Why won’t the speakers work on my PowerBook?

This has been a problem of mine for the past year. The internal speakers on my PowerBook G4 just stopped working one day, but the headphone jack still operates without a problem. There is the fact that this thing is nearly four years old and the first generation of the 17-inch models. You would think that they just broke and wouldn’t want to put out audio because its senior citizen status when it comes to the world of computers. It’s not the case, and long story short, it has to be a software problem.

I’ve done numerous things over the past few days. Actually, I’ve tried a few various times, mostly whenever I have the patience and courage to try some potential solutions. Still nothing works.

I’ve basically tried everything that I could find here with no success. You can even find a post there by yours truly, begging for answers.

My pursuit will continue, but I doubt that I’ll be successful. Dealing with a sinus thing over the past three days, I’ve given it a good try. I know, get something new. Wish it was that easy. This baby needs to last me just a little while longer.