Vancouver Podcast Meetup: Feb. 25, 2007

As a regular listener to the Canadian Podcast Buffet, I was excited to hear that Mark Blevis was coming out to Vancouver on a business trip and wanted to conduct a meetup with fellow podcasters. This will be happening at TC Lions Pub on February 25, 2007 at 8:00 PM, in downtown Vancouver. Mark asks that you RSVP for the event at

As I mentioned in my post about NorthernVoice, that is the same day as my first year anniversary, so I doubt I will be able to make it. We’ll probably be pretty sauced by then.

Update: Change of plans. We’re in.


3 Replies to “Vancouver Podcast Meetup: Feb. 25, 2007”

  1. Mark!

    You’ve got our curiosity peaked. We’re starting to lean towards making it out after all…

    We’ll be sure to change our reservation on if we do.

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