Crazy Canucks Outsider live on

Attention Canucks fans! A first time event for myself, but Dave will be taking the Canucks Outsider live again tonight on In addition, Rebecca and I are partaking in the event this evening, expanding our conquest into the realm of new media and tossing in some representation from The Crazy Canucks at the same time.

Check out the goings on here or just come back to my site because this goes live tonight at 7PM PST. You can watch it on this page, but you’ll really been interested in going to the Ustream site to get in on the live chatting action.

For those of you within viewing shot of the game on TV, here’s a neat little tip. Bypass the crap that comes at intermission and commercials with keeping the Ustream going on in the background. What I did last time Dave went live with the video feed is to have my computer hooked up to the TV and then switched over to him during said times. His hi-jinks gave you all the Canucks love that you need in these feverish playoff times. Hopefully we’ll be able to add to that.

Go ‘Nucks!

Update: Depressing end to a game that saw the Canucks start out looking so strong. Anaheim takes the series to a 3-1 lead. Hold hope. We can win three more.

The Crazy Canucks #32 – Taking Dallas down in the first round

Continuing our stream of playoff episodes, The Crazy Canucks #32 is out. Check out the audio of the downtown celebration madness.

It was a nervous first round, but the Canucks pulled it off in game seven to win the first round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs against the Dallas Stars. Rebecca and John lead off this episode, stepping on their balcony to capture the atmosphere of the downtown celebration going on in Vancouver. After that, Alanah phones J.J. just a few minutes after he left GM Place where he had tickets for this amazing game seven. He has some great reports of the atmosphere from inside and outside of the garage, and hopefully you can make out what he’s saying from all the noise of celebrating fans in the background.

Playoff record as of this recording:
Vancouver 4 (Winner of First Round)
Dallas 3

Second Round Opponent: Anaheim Ducks

Dave is unable to make an contribution to this episode, but the Canucks Outsider was streaming live for the entire game with a variety of guests. With the second round coming up, watch for Dave doing more of these live vidcasts as well as getting back into the round table with TCC. We’ll try to link up together soon to give our second round analysis.

24:50 minutes
The Crazy Canucks

Fun with video, podcasting, and Canucks hockey

In the midst of the craziness that has been this past week, I’m doing my best to surface here and there to make some updates. This piece of news involves one of my fellow Crazy Canucks hosts, Dave Olsen. He is taking his podcasting endeavors to new heights with a live video cast.

For the first ever live, streaming video episode of the Canucks Outsider on Saturday. April 21st at 5PM PST. The show will be delivered via and feature live chat, guests, hi-jinks and libations. Stay tuned for details and save the date/time. [canucksoutsider]

The brains behind this experiment is Roland Tanglao, and he has already tried a variety of vidcasts on his own via this same method. I do believe that if you miss the live part, the video will be archived so you can view it or download it later. Fun stuff, indeed.

The inside scoop on Cowan and the bra

I made a post over the long weekend about how we released another episode of The Crazy Canucks. What I didn’t take the effort of mentioning was an added bonus we had in that episode.

Canucks fans will be used to the whole hoopla of the bra incident and everything that has resulted from the night that Jeff Cowan scored his fifth goal of the season in three straight games. For those of you unaware, a bra was thrown on the ice in midst of the jubilation at GM Place.

In the latest release of The Crazy Canucks, we got the story from an event host who witnessed the throwing of the bra. She gave us her story and adds a lot of insight to the phenomenon that resulted in “Cowan the Brabarian”. Go check it out. We got permission from the Canucks organization to record from inside GM Place during the open practice on March 24, 2007.

In case you need some more back story or a refresher, check out the YouTube video below. And when you watch that, check out this one to see what I mean about hoopla, at least one week after the fact.

Zamboni-ing under the influence

I’ve seen this on numerous news sites, not to mention the various hockey blogs that I follow. There is just no way that I can pass this one up. And mind you, this did not happen in Canada.

NEWARK, New Jersey (AP) — It’s not drunken driving in New Jersey if it involves a Zamboni.

A judge ruled the four-ton ice rink-grooming machines aren’t motor vehicles because they aren’t useable on highways and can’t carry passengers.

Zamboni operator John Peragallo had been charged with drunken driving in 2005 after a fellow employee at the Mennen Sports Arena in Morristown, New Jersey, told police the machine was speeding and nearly crashed into the boards.

Police said Peragallo’s blood alcohol level was 0.12 percent. A level of 0.08 is considered legally drunk in New Jersey. [cnn]

Fortunately, no mascots were hurt in this incident. I have to add that the blame mostly resides on the “Sambuca with his breakfast coffee and two Valium-pills before work”, thanks to Bradley for picking that one out. But seriously, need I say more?

Opening day: 2007

CubsOfficially, the opening day for the season was yesterday. However, today is the first day for the Chicago Cubs, so that makes this the real opening day.

This year, I don’t know what to expect. Lou Piniella and a fleet of new faces are on the team this year. The same thing that has been said every year is happening again, but now we actually have hope. Not only that, but reason to hope. And not only that, but Ronny Cedeno made the opening day roster? The boy has become a man.

Fingers crossed, let the season begin.

Bringing on the Bra Power

20070313(001) I appreciate the trend, but men wearing bras (without a shirt) in the seats of GM Place during the Canucks game last night, in which they lost because of Christina Aguilera, is slightly disturbing. I’m all for it replacing tower power[wiki], but for crying out loud, they should be spun in the air, not worn.

By the way, this dude was selling them for ten bucks as people ventured to the game last night. I don’t think he was the only one, but they made me hesitate a little. Not that I would buy one, but you might find something similar in a dumpster somewhere. At least their dinginess made me think that.

Why hockey isn’t bigger in the U.S.

Totally stealing this one from J.J.

I am convinced that the only way that hockey is to grow in the U.S. is by instilling a love for the game with the younger crowd. In fact, let me translate this video clip for said folks who live in this said country. She is taking a cue for her, I assume, father that when he says the first name of the player on the Canucks, the little girl responds with the last name of the player. And she’s probably two or three?

Changing rules or scheming marketing plans don’t lure long term fans to a sport, or anything for that matter. Most Canadian fans will tell you that hockey is something they grew up with, and that’s why they are so passionate about it. And even if they’re not living and breathing it, they might still have a fondness for it. And if you think that’s stupid, then ask someone from Mexico as to why anyone would find futbol, aka soccer, interesting.

Regrouping from NV07, meet ups, and our first year

It’s been a hectic past few days, but I’m getting back into the groove of things. For the most part, I think I’m there. If anything, this post is going to be a bit of online notes to expand from for future posts. You know, once it’s out there, then I’ll have to do something with it. You know what I mean?

First off, thanks so much for your good wishes for our first anniversary. I think I’m still trying to recoup from the entire weekend, even if we did spend it doing a bunch of geeky things. When you do things like that, you start to splurge on other things, like having a beer with your lunch because it’s your anniversary. Sunday was just a string of such events, and it all hit me last night, making it really hard to get out of bed this morning.

By the way, Poncho’s on Deman, here in Vancouver, has some really good Mexican food. I’m not such a big fan of peas in their rice(normally there is much more of an onion taste, not to mention an orange tint versus brownish-white), but the chicken fajitas are almost worth dying for. Been there a few times, but first time with the fajitas, certainly won’t be my last time.

Quick break down of goings on, podcast meetup this past Sunday, the whole Northern Voice 2007 has left me with plenty of thoughts to expand on, and the NHL trade deadline was today. Canucks did some stuff last night in terms of getting some new blood, but the bigger news was Bertuzzi moving to Detroit and Ryan Smyth moving to the Islanders. Mad crazy excitement this morning, and I got completely sucked in.

The other change is in our apartment. I’ve got myself moved around a little bit, but the kitchen/dinning area has been freed from my grip. It might take a little getting used to, but at least we have a clear area to sit and have dinner now. Haven’t checked the change of acoustics for recording any podcasts yet, but it’s not like we have a superb setup, in terms of soundproofing, to begin with.

More to come soon. Need to get my head sitting straight and a handle on my new view. Proving to be difficult today.