It seems fitting that I’m sitting on the plane right now only to be sipping on Canada Dry Ginger Ale. It wasn’t my plan, I swear. I just kind of figured that since I only ate a blueberry scone and a cup of coffee this morning at the airport, this would be a good thing to hold me over until I land in Chicago. Time will shift on me by two hours and it’ll be dinner time when I get there. Then I have to make some sudden adjustments, wake up tomorrow morning, and go back to work at the station. It doesn’t seem real. In fact, it doesn’t really seem fair.
Vancouver is simply amazing. Rebecca took me to see so much and do so many things, but it really wasn’t as much as the city has to offer. Ate so many different types of food, saw so many different places and things… Spent the day at Cultus Lake where we swam in clear, fresh, cold water that runs down from the mountains. Walked and drove from one end of the city to the other. Ventured close to the coastline numerous times to hear the water lapp against the shore and smell the ocean air. Had dinner and drinks while meeting new friends. I cannot say that I did a lot of things to say that I did such and such thing while I was in Vancouver, but I saw and experienced as much as I could. To me, that’s more important. Plus I just loathe being a tourist.
There’s a lot more to say about the city, but it’s truly hard to convey. Sure, every place has its pitfalls; Vancouver is not heaven on earth where nothing ever goes wrong and everything is perfect all the time. What I can say is that it leaves me desiring very little else because everything I have seen and heard has been better than all of my expectations ever had about the city. What really trips me up is the fact that this is another country. The money is different. It’s washroom, not restroom. Hippy takes on a whole new meaning, yet alone different classifications. And I think I went to Starbucks nearly every single day. Amazing, I know, but there is something to be said about a good chi tea latte in the afternoon. It’s safe to say that this city loves its coffee.
I’m not ready to go back to my really real world. I feel like I have totally dropped off the fact of the earth and lost touch with what’s going on with the rest of the world. This is what taking a holiday should be like. Just letting everything drift away and getting lost in nothing but having a good time relaxing and taking in life. With company like I had while I was in Vancouver, it’d be next to impossible to not have something like that happen. It was up until yesterday that I forgot that I had to go back to Iowa. Tomorrow it all starts up again.
And so continues the adventure.