When the world is full of madness, the world does a good job of reminding you that we, as human beings, are just a pawn in a much bigger game. We don’t know the rules, there’s very little we can do about anything, and there is no stopping it. The enemy here has no face, emotion, feeling, or remorse for what it does. The best thing you can do is just get out of the way and pray you live to see tomorrow.
I think out of all the things in the world, this is what I fear and am enthralled with the most. Earthquakes, tsunamis, meteors, tornados, hurricanes… In a flash, these things can destroy everything that has been for as long as any memory can recall. Here today, gone tomorrow. And the most insane part of it all is that the next day, the world around the destruction goes on like normal. People move on, rebuild, remember, forget, and repeat.
My heart goes out to those affected by the recent events in the Indian Ocean. It’s amazing, gut wrenching, and terribly saddening. I’m just wishing that there is something I can do.