i see you and me rolling in piles of cash

One thing that I deeply enjoy: tax returns. One thing that I don’t: bills. Financing is a great way to snap you into the reality of being an adult. Living on your own is liberating. This is a great way to make you feel older. At the same time, it makes you feel good about the fact that you are taking care of yourself. When it’s all done, you’re rewarded with the sense of it just being done and out of the way. A clearing of the conscious.

So now, I have a better grasp on how much spending money I have to play with! This will be good on my adventure that is tentatively scheduled to begin in a matter of hours. The weather is gorgeous today, perfect for the road trip that I have been hankering for. Won’t be as fun as the one coming up with Muffin, but enjoyable none the less. I have always enjoyed driving. I’ve always wanted to create the perfect driving mix, but it’s always a thought. I never follow through on it. Perhaps when I get that damn iPod.

I’m going to Chicago. Get excited!
