I just spoke to my father not very long ago. His voice was low and hoarse, most likely from the tubes they put into his air passages while he was under anesthetic. Luckily, he still has two kidneys. What is gone is the tumor that seemed to be camped out on his left side. The biopsy he had prior to today gave us the understanding that this isn’t anything too serious. The next step is for an examination via pathology. The doctor was quoted as saying that the material he removed looked to be more cyst-like and less of a cancerous make up, but visual diagnosis is far from an exact science until all the results are back.
I was so surprised to hear him on the other end of the line. I’m not all too sure that the conversation will be remembered. You could hear a hint of cloudiness is his sentences, but he was recalling the conversations we had last night. Obviously the drugs that make you completely unaware of doctors slicing you up and cutting chunks of matter out of your body do little in the way to affect the areas in your brain that are responsible for short term memory. For around five hours of being in surgery, that’s pretty damn remarkable.
The Cancuks did win last night. Rebecca didn’t win anything this week. It snowed quite a bit back in Iowa and made the drive down interesting. And for the most part, it’s a pretty nice day in Vancouver. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he just had a bad cold.