you just never say it

Such a week. It’s hard to really formulate much for thoughts today, but I figured I would give it a brief shot. With Rebecca here at the beginning of the week, I was able to have a really great vacation. Her time her was so limited, so it was difficult to really let the pace slow down too much. She was here and gone when I found myself thrown into the fires back at the station by the middle of this week. Was very tough to see her go, but I’ll see her again soon.

It was another double shot Friday this week. This time we were in at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art where they are doing a large exhibit dedicated to Grant Wood. He was the guy who painted American Gothic. You know, that painting of the farmer and his wife with the pitch fork? Yeah, that one. He was from my neck of the woods. And even though I put in a thirteen hour day, I still didn’t get to see the painting. As Evan put it, “We got screwed.” I’d have to agree.

To be honest, I was so tired by the time we had everything packed up, I forgot.
