Getting back on central time has been difficult. Maybe that is stretching the truth just ever so slightly. It’s just hard to get back into the swing of things. Work isn’t the issue. I’m just keeping myself on the go with things that I haven’t had enough time to really keep the vacation that I had really sink it.
Part of it has to stem from the adventure through Chicago on the return trip. Flying on stand by isn’t for the weak. More so, it becomes really difficult when the weather decides to cause havoc with arrivals and departures to one of the busiest airports in the world. It was hot and sunny in Chicago when the plane left the ground in British Columbia. As we were making our way down to the ground, the captain relayed that the temperature had dropped by twenty degrees and the sky had turned rainy. A cold front blew through.
On the ground, I was told that there were no more flights going out that I could squeeze myself onto. Eventually, I made it home much later than I anticipated, but I would have to wait a day to pick up my bag which arrived in the state sooner than I did. In fact, it went to a different place than me all together. I’m young and can handle it. I just feel for those who were not as able to run all over the airport from gate to gate just to make that connecting flight. Seriously, while sitting on the plane waiting to push away from the gate, you could see back into the terminal the hundreds of people running… not hurrying… but running to their respective gates.
I love traveling.