worry just won’t seem to leave my mind alone

This week has really pushed on me. In fact, I had to head into the station today for an ISDN with Wisconsin Public Radio for a decent portion of my afternoon. It wasn’t that bad. ISDN’s are easy unless the interview with the station on the other end is not that exciting in terms of content. Such as the other day where the interview involved something about economics that went completely over my head and out of the realm of my interest. However, it was a long week and I was super tired, so that had a lot to do with it as well.

Long story short, we’re getting new office furniture at the station starting Monday. This means we had to clear everything we could from the old furniture and have it hauled away by the end of last week so the new stuff can roll in first thing at the beginning of next. Lots of heavy lifting, bumps, bruises, and scrapes. At certain points, I had flashbacks to the days of moving KRUI. Luckily, everything moved stayed within the building and very little of it involved expensive audio equipment.

At one point, Jim asked me, “Could you imagine what it would be like to move this entire radio station?” I told him very nicely and politely that I did not want to think about it and hope that I’m not around if and when that happens.
