they’re only words and words can’t kill me

I’m in the midst of regrouping my resume. It truly is not an easy task, but I’m getting there. The last one I put together was easy because there was not a whole lot to put together. Since then, my list has grown to proportions that I only dreamed and wished of obtaining. Now it’s a game of what counts and what doesn’t. On top of that, what am I forgetting? Is there something I’m leaving out that would be the golden ticket for a catapult into the future? Talk about nerve racking, not too mention this headache that I have.

In the depths of my hard drive tonight, I found memories from KRUI that were long forgotten. Pictures from events that were some peak times in my career there. Inside all of that, I’m reminded of how much time, blood, sweat, and tears I put into that place. A tiny, 100-watt, college radio station that consumed nearly every once of free time that I thought I could put into it. I was always thinking forward as to what the place could become, never how it would be when I was long gone.

I remember now, so clearly, when Adam, Ben, and I first put the simulcast onto the internet. The first phone call of some one requesting a song from San Diego. That really stuck it in my veins. It felt so good, and I wanted more.

Amazing how simple pictures and sounds will kick start your brain like that.
