somebody’s waiting for me at home

I’m still waiting for these weeks to slow down. I just do not see it happening anytime in the near future. It was so nice being able to come home last night, take a shower, and melt into the chair as the Red Sox swept the series. I was so happy that it finally happened, but I had a horrible time staying awake. It has reached the point where I even question running in the mornings because there is a good chance that I am going to be on my feet all day long. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I could be laying on the floor under a console or crawling around the floor with the cables like a toddler playing with legos. Work really is playtime for me, but this madness is just never ending.

I don’t drink coffee. I did this morning though. Why did I do that? Why are my hands shaking? I think I’m already going through withdrawal.

Lindsey drew this great picture of me. It’s pretty awesome. Thanks, girl.
