Had a very long day. Jim and I made quite the tour of the northeast portion of the state. We had a translator to fix, and the mission was accomplished but not without headache. Interesting time. Good road trip. Swung through the FM site to check on things while on the way back into town. I have to say that it was a good idea, regardless of the puddles of water that awaited us when we walked in. We don’t know how, but two computers and a good collection of paper work is ruined. Some of it we hope to dry out. We’ll see. The roof is in the midst of being replaced. There could be some sort of connection there. Time will tell. I’m sure Ed will have an explanation in the next few days.
Right now, I’m listening to Billie Holiday and loving it. It might have something to do with the fact that I’m tired from today’s adventure. On top of that, today started out a little warm and muggy. Now it’s foggy and cool. It’s just the perfect thing to be listening to right now. It’s amazing how much my musical tastes range, but mood dictates my playlists more than anything. Ms. Holiday is making me feel quite all right.