10 years after Jeff Buckley

There is something about Jeff Buckley[wiki] that keeps me coming back time and time again. I remember seeing his video for “Last Goodbye”[youtube] back in those glory days of MTV. You know that they used to show videos? Amazing, I know, but it’s true. It was also a track that I was requested to play for a fellow KRUI DJ as she drove away from the station for the last time and graduating the next day, never to return.

Sentimental, tacky crap? Hardly, but it certainly does evoke some memories of a fond time in life.

Jeff Buckley video on The GuardianThe Guardian published a pretty cool video on their site today that trips that thought among any fan of Buckley’s; it’s a shame that he died so young. Hard to believe that it’s been ten years since he died, and I recall the news when it happened pretty vividly. The Reverend got me a copy of a show he did in Paris just before Buckley passed, and it comes up in my playlist every so often. It’s the next best thing I’ve got to actually seeing him, and I try to imagine what that would have been like.

Go check out the video for yourself. It’s worth the viewing.


3 Replies to “10 years after Jeff Buckley”

  1. So sad it’s been ten years. “ETERNAL LIFE FOR JEFF,” i say! We jeff fans at school are hijacking a classroom and cd player for a tribute lunchtime listening. (at outr school this is no easy task – pretty much all music is considered disruptive and/or the work of the devil. yay for country australia! ugh.) God he was great. gorgeous as well! Nice to know that there’s likeminded people around.

  2. Ally-cat > Embrace those times where you are all in sync with the vibe of a moment. You’ll remember that for a long time.

    Amar > Great article. Thanks for the heads up! 🙂

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