Totally stealing this one from J.J.
I am convinced that the only way that hockey is to grow in the U.S. is by instilling a love for the game with the younger crowd. In fact, let me translate this video clip for said folks who live in this said country. She is taking a cue for her, I assume, father that when he says the first name of the player on the Canucks, the little girl responds with the last name of the player. And she’s probably two or three?
Changing rules or scheming marketing plans don’t lure long term fans to a sport, or anything for that matter. Most Canadian fans will tell you that hockey is something they grew up with, and that’s why they are so passionate about it. And even if they’re not living and breathing it, they might still have a fondness for it. And if you think that’s stupid, then ask someone from Mexico as to why anyone would find futbol, aka soccer, interesting.
I only started watching – and only sometimes – because my boyfriend, a lifelong fan, faithfully watches it. Oh, and my friends who know I’ve grown up in the east, play that Name the Player game with me, too!
I stole it from JJ first! š
My brother used to quiz me on NHL logos. He’d point to one on the back of a collectible sticker book and I’d have to name the team and city. This must have been when I was about 5. I also remember going through the same sort of thing when you moved up here, John hehe
Just kidding, you have a VERY respectable knowledge considering your American-ness
When I first learned the game, it was more of a sense of ‘being different.’ In Portland, it was ALL about the Trailblazers…the only team in town. But, when a friend introduced me to the Winterhawks, that was it, I was hooked. He and I were the start…and then we began to hook other friends into the sport little by little. It was definitely a bit of a rebellious streak in all of us.
Personally, I think the NHL could latch on to a ton of kids going that route…the NHL is the sport your father DOESN’T watch.
How about hockey is a cold sport, and if it ain’t cold then you just don’t get it? “Ice! Like, igloos, and penguins and Ice! (quote taken from Cofee Sanka in Cool Runnings).