RadioZoom#125 – Northern Voice; Amazing Hunt; Matthew Good

We recorded this last Friday, but better late than never.

Rebecca and I gather in the studio to record this episode before the puck drops on a Canucks game. Of course, if you want to hear more of the hockey talk, check out The Crazy Canucks.

In this episode, we talk about the Northern Voice conference and try to make our case to the organizers of the event as to why we deserve one of the travel bursaries to attend the event. We also talk about Rebecca’s upcoming involvement with the Amazing Hunt in Vancouver. Matthew Good has a new album that he’s recording, and your dear hosts have a few other tidbits to share in that area.

57:41 minutes


2 Replies to “RadioZoom#125 – Northern Voice; Amazing Hunt; Matthew Good”

  1. Hey John!

    I was tagged by Jes Golbez yesterday to fill out a questionaire called “If I was a hockey player”. It’s pretty fun. So I tag you! You can use the questionaire template from my site or Jes’ at Hockey Rants.

  2. Aw geez… Yeah, I did catch that on your site. You’ve got me thinking about it, but it’ll take me a few days to sort out what to throw down.

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