Making the sweater sleek and fashionable

This story caught my eye and led me on an adventure to track down my own glimpse of these new, fancy uniforms that the NHL has been working on for the past two years. I recall Rebecca telling me a story about the Canucks getting a chance to preview some of the things they were wroking on. If memory serves me right, the players all mocked how tight they were, equating them to something they would wear at the club.

NEW YORK — The NHL will break with tradition next season by ushering in a new, streamlined uniform that blends fashion with functionality, commissioner Gary Bettman said Wednesday.

Bettman said the new-look uniforms, designed over the past two years, will be unveiled at the All-Star Game in January.

In an interview with Reuters at the NHL’s headquarters in New York, Bettman said the players who have tested it so far “have been thrilled.”

While the new tapered uniforms are fashionable, Bettman said they were designed with players in mind.

“The new uniform takes advantage of developments in new fabrics,” he said. “But the change was done not for the stylistic. It was done for performance and safety. It was time. Our basic uniforms haven’t changed in 40 years.” [espn]

Quite honestly, I like the 40 year old staple. I was just saying tonight that I think I could become a Minnesota fan based on their uniforms alone. I’m not saying that I like them all too much in the first place, but compared to some other teams in the NHL right now(I’m looking your way Buffalo!), the Wild have some swanky looking threads. Maybe that’s my bitterness over losing the North Stars to Dallas coming through. Oh how I shake my fist at Dallas.

I’m not against change, but this would be a pretty mighty one. There’s already folks out there crying conspiracy. It’s true that this is going to create various streams of revenue, and that couldn’t be the worst thing for teams in the league. After all, and very oddly enough, the Buffaslug is a top selling jersey in the league. When you make a change like that, everyone has to update their collection while all the old stuff becomes vintage and cool.

As long as everything is functional and then looks good, I’m all in. At the same time, this scares me, and a post on Inside Hockey really hits the point straight on. Revenue is important, but I’m pretty sure that the league is not in dire straights. If the major concern is about TV ratings, then that’s a no brainer. ESPN dumping the NHL was one of the worst things I could have ever imagined for the sport in the U.S. I have friends back home who are starved for just some games on TV, yet alone their favorites.

The other thing that bugs me a little bit is that we have to wait until the All-Star Game to see these uniforms. I hunted all around and couldn’t come up with anything. Perhaps some one else can point me in the right direction. When you keep something so secret but talk about it publicly, then you know something isn’t quite right. Or in this case, totally gawdy and gross. Like, eww.


2 Replies to “Making the sweater sleek and fashionable”

  1. I’ve got some pals on this side of the water that I can check around with (you realize all that stuff is made over here, right?). I’m curious too. I keep thinking a cross between the old Cooperalls and Rugby.

    The NHL doesn’t need ass-hugging uniforms (although I am sure my tai-tai would beg to differ) to increase popularity…it needs players with personality and marketing to push them to the fore.

    More to come…if I can find anything out.

  2. And you know, I had another thought. Doesn’t the looseness of the jersey kinda aid the goalie? It’s probably not by much, but the appearance of looking bigger can deter a shooter, if not in the psychological sense.

    I’m curious what you might be able to come up with. GZ Expat is on the case!

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