Clerks 2: I’m happy with the sequal

Cast of Clerks 2Last weekend, we headed down to catch the bizzarely awaited sequal to a movie that I will also lay blame to the demise of my childhood innocence, also known as those years spent in high school. It’s tough to really pinpoint that exact moment, but I’m fairly sure when the name of Kevin Smith[wiki] entered my memory banks, that had something to do with it. Not all of it. It just aided the whole process.

It wasn’t until a few months ago that I became aware that Smith was even making Clerks 2.  It makes me feel some slight shame being that one of my favorite things to do between classes during college was to cruise into the computer labs and scan the web for the latest rumors on projects coming up.  Then I took some film courses.  Suddenly movies lost their flare, but that was probably the Russian, expressionist movies from the 1920’s that I fell asleep during…  er, watched intently while taking spectacular notes in class.  Yeah…

I have to thank that time spent trying to appreciate that art.  It makes me appreciate movies like this so much more.  That’s not because you might think I have no artistic flavor in the things that I enjoy.  It’s just the simple fact that this is a funny as hell flick.  I almost go as far as to say “in it’s own way”, but if you have been paying attention to any of the previous stuff from Kevin Smith, then you know I don’t have to.

I read some reviews about the camera work, and in hindsight, I have to agree.  There is one scene where the steady-cam circles constantly during dialog, and I remember thinking how cool of a scene it was.  Give credit to smith for being subtle to break out of a mold so many people consider him to be stuck in.

The best thing to remember is to is not remember anything you’ve heard about the movie and just relax.  Enjoy it.  Movies, believe it or not, are expensively made to entertain you.  Screw what Joel Seigal or anyone else said about Clerks 2.  I just hope that there are more people willing to see this than the Waynes brothers’ flick.  Yikes.


2 Replies to “Clerks 2: I’m happy with the sequal”

  1. now that i know kevin smith went to VFS (vancouver film school) ..err even though he dropped out… and that he was on Degrassi… he’s much cooler.

  2. I liked the movie a lot, too, but that scene where the camera kept going around made me so dizzy I had to look away.

    Kevin Smith on “Degrassi” was cool beyond anything.

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