Charged with mooching

You could do this virtually anywhere, and I’m guilty of doing this more than a few times. This might make you think twice. It helps to know the local laws, no matter what country you’re in.

A Vancouver, Wash. coffee shop tired of seeing a 20-year-old man mooch off their free wireless Internet access called the police, who charged him with “theft of services.”

Smith allegedly parked his truck in the parking lot to use Brewed Awakenings’ wireless access.

County deputies charged Smith with theft of services after returning to the parking lot after they told him to stop. The crime, which covers such crimes as bypassing a utility meter, stealing cable, and leaving a restaurant without paying, has been used in the past to prosecute hackers who have accessed a computer or network without paying for it. “It’s something that is borderline creepy,” Pranger said to KATU. [techweb]

If he could afford a laptop and a truck, then why couldn’t he handle going in for a coffee, juice, or even a muffin? I mean, come on. Everyone loves muffin!


2 Replies to “Charged with mooching”

  1. Everyone knew muffin at the wedding even though they never met him before.

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