Am I On Your Refrigerator?

Ever go running along the Seawall in Stanley Park? There’s the area where all the tour buses seem to stop by the totem poles. It’s a nice, touristy spot to take some pictures. In fact, I recently discovered that those totem poles have a slightly strange history. Actually, follow that link and you’ll find a lot of interesting, if not dark, history about Stanley Park.

In the opposite direction of the totems, you can go to the Seawall and take some really great pictures of downtown Vancouver. I would say that 90% of the time, there is at least one person taking pictures there. Other days, there can be a huge group of bodies crowding the pathway. The other day a I ran through a mob of young Asian students posing and snapping away, forcing me off the path in order to get around them.

It makes me wonder how many pictures I get into. How much have I been disseminated around the world? What photo album am I tucked into and on what continent? Whose digital photo library am I in while I am mid-stride? How many times has someone said, “this would have been a great picture if it weren’t for that guy running into the shot.”

Sweet. I’m a “that guy”.
