Who says no one listens to the radio anymore because we’re all listening to our iPods? That’s rubbish. People are listening to the radio a lot more than the industry thinks. We’re just not listening to broadcast radio. We’re piping iPods through the stereo using all sorts of neat little transmitters.
I have one. It works through my Powerbook via USB. It’s brilliant for music and listening to podcasts all throughout the apartment. I often wonder if anyone else is tuning in, but they’d have to hit the right frequency.
I can picture someone now, tuning into what they think is a pretty cool music station, only to have a podcast come up next in the playlist. This morning, I went from New Pornographers, to Aberdeen City, to a CNN news update, to a NPR news update, to the Onion Radio News, to the Daily Breakfast. That would completely throw off the unsuspecting.
came over from your wifes blog. really like your set up.
due to the shirt you are wearing i suggest just checking out my ‘go detriot’ post. and if GO DETROIT from a vancouver girl is SCARY do read the comments carefully! π im having server issues it may be a bit slow (for a few days..hope not though)
i’ll be back π
there was a discussion about that on vancouver canucks op-ed… love/hate relationship with detroit… and chelios – gosh how old IS that guy now? :p