Wish You Were Still Here

Looking through some of the pics from the last week or so, we have a lot of great memories. Mom and Dad kept up with the pace of the city, but they were pretty worn out by the time they got back to Iowa. It was hard for both of us to see them go.

Cypress Mountain, Vancouver in the distance

Miss you, Mom and Dad. Hope to get back and see the rest of my family again very soon. More so, hope to see as many of you folks from back home up here soon. And I mean before 2010!


One Reply to “Wish You Were Still Here”

  1. Congrats on you and Rebecca ‘tying the knot’. I know what you mean about the parents visiting and experiencing the city. I’ve got some similar photos of my folks when they were last here a few months ago.

    Here’s to us all thriving in our new stomping ground, and VOIP, Skype, and iChat AV, etc. for making the distance from family not seem so great.

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