so much for losing track of time

When I was standing in line to fly to Vancouver, a little chinese couple stood behind me. I’m not sure how these things happen, but it never fails that I end up getting myself into the craziest conversations with people in these types of situations. At first, the little woman asked me if you can take three bags onto the plane, and I replied that one was for carry-on. A few minutes pass and the conversation sparks up. Lots of things to take. Always such a hassle to get your luggage through. Then the inevitable question: where are you going?

“Oh Vancouver is beautiful. We just love it there. You must go to chinatown.” We talked about how great the city was, but when I told them I was moving there, the conversation sparked even more. They had family there, but had not visited in quite a long time. They were on their way for some vacation back in Hong Kong. And so the conversation turned from Vancouver to them convincing me that I must visit China.

“You would love it there.” The weather is much like it is here, the people are so nice, I would be very much welcomed by the locals, there is so much to see, and so on. Within the time span of about twenty minutes, I had these great and wonderful new friends all while standing in line. We talked and laughed all while people around us stood in line saying nothing, but I caught a few smirks from people listening to us as we conversed.

I went down one concourse, them another. With that, my new best friends were gone. “Good luck in Vancouver!”
