chewing gum and having some laughs

I was never a gamer. I always liked playing video games growing up, but that’s just it. I liked to play them. I was never dead set on winning. If I could conquer a level, that was good. I’d get frustrated, but I’d always come back to the game. Retry that level, get where I could, and start the process over again.

I remember nights where I would be all geek like and play network games with other friends. Remember, these were the days before internet gaming. If some one got upset with what one person did in a game, it was very usual for that person to tromp down the hallway and punch other said person for doing whatever they did. It was a good time, but I don’t think I can recall “winning” at whatever it was that we played.

In the long run, gaming just never stuck with me. I like playing games, they’re fun, and I’ve done my fair share of wasting time with them. If I practiced, I’m sure I could get better at such things, but I really have no drive to.

However, if it wasn’t for NHL ’93, I probably wouldn’t have come to love hockey as much as I do.
