It doesn’t hurt too much. My head has a slight ache to it. It was completely worth it though. Deidre and Kristen were the only ones brave enough to brave the cold and stereotype of being too old to go sledding. I wish I could say that it’s just your normal sore muscles from running up and down the hills. Going down head first, my face planted into a pile of snow at the bottom of the hill, legs came up, and I was looking up at the sky. I think next time I’ll go for a triple axle.
Had the chance of seeing The Life Aquatic last night. On the personal level, I enjoyed it. At one point in my life, I wanted to do something with film. However, that major during my college career faded into what was once just a good idea. I can see how a lot of people don’t really care for it. The pace is different, the style is unfamiliar to american cinema, and the story is odd, to say the least. I always take movies for what they are. Not what I expect them to be, could be, or should be. I’m also the type who believes that films like The Kentucky Fried Movie are brilliant. I’m just having a hell of a time finding it on DVD around here.