This is the time of year I’m pretty sure that I hate the most. We’re stuck in the middle of warmth and bitter cold. Days often consist of clouds and rain, but the rain is not your standard rain that comes to mind when you hear that word. It seems that when the sky becomes overcast, everything just becomes wet. There is no escaping it. Winds start to whip up, and everything just feels miserable. Puddles don’t want to go away, mud is everywhere, and all signs of life have left the trees.
In a short amount of time, all of this will give away to snow. It’s hard to explain, but the whiteness brings a different sense of beauty to the land. Obviously, many people get annoyed at the back breaking labor of dealing with such a climate. No matter who you are, there is a moment that when you look outside during a snowfall, you cannot help feel that child inside in you jump.
It’ll be warm again soon. In the meantime, you just have to make the best of what you have to deal with.