There is no need to go grocery shopping this week! All food will be furnished by the station, and I cannot complain. It’s just a fortunate thing that comes along every six months where we ask for donations from our listeners. On top of that, we get food donated to help us through the marathon of listener solicitation. From subs to gourmet food, pounds are being packed, bellies getting bloated, and sleepiness being fought with ounce after ounce of soda and coffee. It’s a good time.
I haven’t had much sleep in the last few days, but that all changed yesterday afternoon. I got out of my station duties around noon yesterday and collapsed into bed an hour and a half later. Woke up just ahead of six, ate some food, and fell back into bed around seven. Eric was in town from Kansas, and I figured I would use his phone call as an alarm clock while I took yet another nap. Woke up around ten, no phone call, figured might as well keep sleeping because my body said that it could use some more. Up at nine this morning, and I’m still feeling tired, but at least I’m thinking straight.
Checking my phone as I am heading into the station today, there’s a voicemail from Eric. However, the call actually came in at nine the night before. I slept right through it, even though my phone was in its charger, just feet away from my head. I slept through the ringing, I was that tired. Makes being a little upset that Eric didn’t call last night pointless.