Killing a little time, I’m sitting here in one of the production studios doing an ISDN uplink to New Hampshire Public Radio. Sure, it’s not the most populated state of New England area, but there is still a lot of interest there in terms all the political hoo-hah going on right now. In fact, it’s pretty amazing that they want to talk to a guy from Herbert Hoover Library as an expert in these presidential debates going on. From small state in the midwest to small state in the extreme northeast, I’m only a small link in making these two areas discuss political ideology.
The other thing that mystifies me a little bit is how this conversation going on over data lines in the room on the other side of the studio glass will affect the decision of some one in another state. That’s not much different than having a conversation with some one over a cup of coffee and arguing over such things, but where do most people get their influence over these issues? And somewhere in New Hampshire, some one is going to talk about something they heard on their radio this morning, be it in a coffee house or drunk over a beer at a pub, and somewhere in there, indirectly, it’s my fault some one will get into a political argument. That’s too neat.
I’ll miss you, Rodney.