it never was that simple

Even though I lack proper furniture to really entertain guests, people come over and say that my new place really makes me more grown up. Last night, we hung out here and watched a movie. The seating is less than to be desired. Not the most comfortable, but you’re sitting, which I think is important.

It’s interesting to note how the rest of this building operates. When I checked in, the rules were no cardboard in the dumpsters. Also, do not set trash next to the dumpster when it is full. There are six dumpsters out there. Yet, the one in the middle is constantly over flowing. Boxes and things people don’t want anymore is everywhere. It’s like I haven’t left the student ghettos at all. The mentality is still there. These kids just haven’t learned yet.

I’ve had such a long week. Nothing horrible, but just busy. I have too many projects going on that I find myself on my feet a lot, running around getting things done. Neil called just a little while ago to see if I wanted to come over with the crew and play some cards. If I weren’t so beat, I would be all about it, even though I suck at playing cards.
