Boom! Another Friday come and gone. It didn’t really help that the power went out this morning in my apartment. Never fear, we pulled the show off, rock star style. Ok, not as much as broadcast engineer style, but you get me. The guests today were incredible. Former western movie stars. We’re talking John Wayne era here. Just the most interesting people that I have met for some time.
There was one summer where my grandma and grandpa Valadez came up for a couple of weeks. AMC used to just show classic movies of the silver screen. In KC, they didn’t get this channel, so grandma and grandpa loved to watch while they were in town. I would sit there and watch these movies with them. Grant, Stewart, Presley… All these people I was introduced to. Movies that I probably would not have ever watched otherwise. These are the stars the same people from this morning worked with. It was mind blowing to see memories from childhood suddenly make an appearance.
Worked late tonight to make up for last week. Exciting Friday night? You better believe it. Tired? You better believe it.