do you remember what the music meant?

If there is one thing I love about warm weather, it is being able to run in it. Getting side aches, burning muscles in my thighs, sweating, loss of breath, and the urge to vomit. It’s great. There’s no other way to be outside. And this is about thirty minutes out of my day. Of course I enjoy doing other things, but there is something to be said about getting out in any way possible. You’re not having fun unless you’re sweating. At the same time, it helps that whole liver thing. It’s a double whammy of personal goodness.

Speaking of working out, fundraising week kicks off this Friday at the station. To you, that means give us your money. To me, that means a wealth of food pouring in for the staff and volunteers for the one week marathon. I will not have to do any grocery shopping, cooking, or pay a single penny for any meals that entire week. Commonly, this time is known as the week that everyone puts on ten pounds. Imagine thanksgiving dinner, three times a day, seven days in a row. Being the youngest single guy by a few years, a lot is tempted to me for clogging up my fridge in terms of leftovers. I know better. I’ll eat it all, or it will grow into a green, penicillin metropolis.

I woke up from a dream this morning about eating an ice cream cone. Upon waking, I found my arm up in the air, as if I were holding said cone. That was odd.
